Monday, October 21, 2013

On the show "Two stars" Martirosyan lost wallet with all documents

On the set of the show "Two stars" Garik Martirosyan lost wallet with all documents and credit cards. The loss of valuable famous showman discovered when the recording of the program was a few minutes. - I've checked everywhere. Even called my wife and suddenly home - panic Martirosyan. - In the same all driving license, passport, car documents, credit cards! I'm here at home, I do not leave without it! All in the shooting star involved, and the costume designers, makeup artists and security guards after the incident, walked through the corridors of the head, eyes looking for any angle. As it turned out, was absent Garik's purse on the stairs when. Behind the scenes on the set There's wallet and found one of the stagehands. Happy guy, but ... I do not know how to give an expensive thing - and suddenly being accused of theft. After transferring all honorable task handbag took the reporter "TD". - Thank you! - And could only say Garik, when he returned the wallet, shook hands with his savior and hurried away. Showman is understandable. This time he was lucky. How, Garik turned out despite strong recommendations, save all important documents - passport, rights, paper machine and credit card - in one place. Scary to imagine what would happen if a purse found less honest.

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