Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nicholas Basque selected stallion

Impressed by the brightest event in May in Moscow "jump the Grand Prix Radio Monte Carlo", could not resist Nikolay Baskov not, the new Blessed. Singer planned his personal athletic stallion who will in the future after a long workout at the race as a full participant Releasing get -. I do not get-together was the first time - told Life Showbiz 34-year-old opera singer -.. Since my childhood, I love horses, and I think that is the noblest of all animals, but not before I visited the idea . that I have a horse that I have played on the race Singer faces a difficult choice: Kaoko breeds choose a trusted friend, is now before the singer is a tough choice. Kaoko breeds choose a trusted friend, but one thing is certain, that this purchase in the golden voice of Russia lead known kkopeechku. The cheapest costs about colt millionra rubles. "Racing Monte Carlo" has a long tradition for the gourmet capital beau monde. Every year one of the hottest days of gathering in May at the Moscow Hippodrome the most prominent members of the business elite, musicians, actors, athletes and politicians.

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