Friday, October 4, 2013

Nicholas Basque is in a new clip "very different"

Nikolai Baskov, had lost a few months in Europe, he returned to Russia to record a new video before took place in St. Petersburg casting the most beautiful girls in the northern capital. The new video will be 20-year tenor with fashion model Masha, contaminate year the best catwalks of Milan, and now - Russia on the same stage with the golden voice. The interiors of the clip found at the Mikhailovsky Theatre St Petersburg. Led by one of the most influential directors of the St. Petersburg Alexander Igudin Basque several hours kissing young Masha blushing with embarrassment to the dismay of makeup. Lay the first few takes girls clearly - so that hid her blush only candles. But later or professionalism prevailed, and Nicholas loved it to him that on the kisses of the best actors. - I think that in this video I the other, not as before -. Together with Lifeshowbiz tired after a double actor - maybe I grew up I want to be different and sing other songs. Sasha Igudin understood me very well, he just felt the whole idea of the song. I think the video is awesome. Masha - simply beautiful. Amazing girl! I'm thrilled!

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