Monday, October 21, 2013

Moses: We are not left all of the "Two Stars" by Alla

Boris Moiseev has admitted that the support Pugacheva and Galkin does not help his pair fly out of the project. Couple Boris Moiseev and Elena Sparrow is always first in line for departure. As it turned out, more than once, Lena and Boris stayed on the show because she. Alla Pugacheva saved, participation Maxim Galkin More than once, Lena and Boris stayed on the show because they believe Alla Pugacheva members themselves, do not understand that some members of the jury, saved her humor. - Yes, we are always the most fun performances - says "TD" Boris Moiseev. - Because we come to each output as whole performance. All samples the day of rush hour on stage. We are rehearsing for weeks with Lena, almost live together, perfecting every detail. The rooms are together and, yes, a lot of controversy over this. Just because the number of the song called "Stomp baby" Alla Pugacheva followed Sparrow "daughter", and Moses "shook", "son" and in a makeshift cradle, my friends almost a fight. At the rehearsal, Borja was that the room was quite boldly spiced with humor and some suggestive sounds that will be published. Lena also explained that this truism. Moiseev won, and only his wits Hall met with enthusiasm. As it turned out, the jury did not always coincide with the reaction of the hall ... - I think not, for example, Barbara Brylska can understand the majority of Russian songs - said Boris. - Hit the past "The Dark Night", which we played, they did not understand. Do you not even know that this song mean the Russians. It is normal for a person who lives in Poland. I think the jury of evil before, but, sorry, 38 points - that's not our standard ... According to Boris, it is not at all offended by this alignment. As a rather ambiguous jokes Maxim Galkin. - Well, let him speak my voice! I just laugh about it. It's always interesting to look at ourselves. Generally Maxim Verree last played important role in our destiny on the project, but not the secret too soon. As for Alla, one can say, our guardian angel on this project. As it is, for us, no one ill, and there is hope to win!

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