Sunday, October 20, 2013

Maxim Galkin naked behind Pugacheva

Maxim Galkin after the incident with the fire on the set of the show "Star", decided to expel the excess adrenaline. While Pugacheva sang on stage, impersonator sat at the bar and entertained the audience. Galkin tried first waltz with ... Vase, performing a trick at the same time the kind of stuff you acquire show stars "Circus". When he got bored, went Maxim, dance, his industry colleagues Elena Sparrow, put his arm around her waist and pulled dance. While Pugacheva sang on stage, sat at the bar and parodist entertained the audience - A Maxim something done is not lost - all showed towards razduharilis Comedian Boris Moiseev. Alla about pranks Galkin had no idea - the star bar them from the scene was not visible. Max and see it removed as a schoolboy, sat overlooking a good boy at the table, and stop the fun.

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