Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kuryokhin spirit alive. "Rock Mechanics" was fantastic guitar show "to get off the roof"

In Moscow, a multimedia presentation of the guitar show "Rock Mechanics". This show, we have not seen for a long time, perhaps because the kurehinskoy "Popular Mechanics". Former guitarist of "Aquarium" Alexander Lyapin together a media genius Dmitry Dibrova created a very high quality musical product. Sensation was the participation in the project, one of the world's most famous contemporary Russian artist Lydia Kavina, performer on theremin. It's only one day, for reasons of "Rock Mechanics" flew from Germany. The participation of Sergei Voronov "Krossroadz" legendary bluesman Petrovich, guitarist "DDT" and "other people" Andrei Vasilyev - ensure the highest level of the new musical project. At a press conference before the show Alexander Lyapin timidly said, "Popular Mechanics," he says, not as Sergei Kuriokhin jump repetition impossible. On this joyous Dibrov, zavyavil that Kuryokhin if it does, now would just be taken. Namely - ". Lightweight fraction of madness", the combination of a series of video and high-quality live music, with a "We have no shelter, we pulled the roof" - said Dibrov and thanked the management of the club and casino "New Generation" who understands the needs of people in this music. In fact, the club has the best quality for such a high-tech show. Are representations of the "Rock Mechanics" was next. Prepared in advance by e-samples, which works in a real musician for laptop, good musicians play different songs with their much room for improvisation. All this is accompanied by spectacular visuals, partially harvested, partly to shoot in real time during the show. The most successful was room number, shot and mounted Dmitry Dibrova. From the screenshot, before Andrei Vasilyev refrain: "Stop what you can not play traditional rhythmic funk?" "Alive" Vasilyev guilty nodded and began to play a song. This was repeated several times, and it was a very lively and funny. "Vepr gitarizma" as Alexander described Dibrov Lyapina played, powerful and very American. Had a longer stay still Lyapina in America. By the way, in America Lyapin brought beautiful girl named Amy. As a singer, 20-year-old Amy Peters, yet little is known. However, it is more like a model, sings very competent. Her singing in accordance with the general bias "Rock Mechanics" in a funk and rhythm and blues, plus some all-American blues notes gave the show an African American charm. Soon took the audience an active role in the show. Someone, someone danced podstukival fork on the plate. Alexander Lyapin make spectacular passes on guitar, sometimes on a unique tics of ten, and they give him a round of applause immediately. Dibrov proved to be a great player. Out his guitar through the process, it sounded like a piano, as saxophone. In combination with the low-key blues Dibrov play very beneficial looks against the background of guitar aces Lyapin, Ravens and Vasiliev. Lydia Kavina subtle finger movements extracted Theremin exquisite sensual melody. No wonder she said that even though "I am a human, very far from the rock, but close to good things with good taste." Lydia Kavina itself - like the view. And it tastes great virtuoso plays very refined mind "Rock Mechanics". In parting, all the musicians were playing in the presentation included a jam session. There was also a daring duo Petrovich Amy Peters and guitar duets Dibrova and Voronov, and more. The main thing - that the project was a success. Yury Shevchuk, saying that "finally appeared in Russia a worthy, love music in an entirely new" - it's true. "Rock Mechanics" - a successful quality management project. It will surely pour even the best contemporary musicians, and he gives us a lot of minutes of beautiful music. At least the band promises that "Rock Mechanics" is in the "Young Guard" play every month. Very'll wait. Vadim Ponomarev,

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