Saturday, October 19, 2013

Czyz, Pasha and musicians "Time Machine" revive "anthropology" Dibrova

28th May 2005 in the entertainment center "Young Guard" is a double first - "Anthropology, LIVE is" to present the new album "first club program Dmitry Dibrova The Elephant" project Czyz and Pasha In April this year, the bassist. the "golden composition" of the "other people" Paul Mikhailenko (Pasha) with his friend and colleague, Sergei closed "Chizh" Chigrakovym in St. Petersburg studio "Melody" and recorded eleven songs flank. Czyz not only arranged, sang and played . nearly all the instrumental parts, but also made a sound-producer of the album Sergei Chigrakov insists that it is not in session work, and currently full cooperation Dmitry Dibrova - blood brother such a glow of friendship and creativity could not be indifferent. " "Me Chizha. And" anthropology LIVE! "has been decided, a performance Chizha and Pasha, to help in concert performances by great musicians Eugene Margulis and Andrew Derzhavin to open (" The Time Machine "), and also a wonderful drummer Nicholas Xenophon. But the show "ANROPOLOGIYA LIVE!" - It's not just a concert. Rather, it is - a manifesto world of the 21st Century. The new online mental day where intricately interwoven different ideas and genres, creative teaching and future technologies. So, on the 28th May as part of the "anthropology LIVE!" is also a fragment of the multimedia show prose Viktor Erofeev, are visited by the author. Of course, the man is considered to be the first writer in the country, it will be possible, as the conversation on live television audience and the characters speak "anthropology". World of High Definition Dmitry Dibrova will be implemented with the help and assistance of "ERA", which is the high-tech equipment for the show HDTV (High Definition Television). HD offers exceptionally clear, bright and sharp image, almost identical in quality to 35-mm film. Welcome to the High Definition world, the world of high definition! The album "The Elephant" project Czyz and Pasha music company produces "The Mystery of Sound". A press conference and reception for journalists to start at 20.00. The show, "anthropology LIVE Dmitry Dibrova" at 21.00 clock. Address entertainment center "Young Guard": Dmitrovskoe, Building 27 (Hotel "youth")

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