Thursday, October 3, 2013

Basque birthday thanked prostitute

In one of the halls of the capital inspiring Nikolai Baskov celebrated its 35th Birthday. The ceremony attracted about 500 guests, and the composition of the stellar performers friends could envy every Christmas skit. Five clock in the evening, guests gathered at the restaurant "Safisa" where they waited for tables covered with delicacies. - I did not expect that everything will be done so cool, c such a large scale! Lobster, snails, lobsters, and various kinds of rare meat ... Shine! - Shared his feelings with Life Showbiz Nicholas. - Honestly, it was the best day of my life, next to me was near and dear to me people. Now we must move away from the party a few days! List of gifts received in the evening hero of the day, it is unlikely to fit in some places. Nicholas has everything he could ever want. Of the "big borsetki" (text of Anna Semenovich) and "old music, I do not remember anyone" (Yevgeny Petrosyan) on "Souvenir of Faberge" and housing for Prechistinka Most of the gifts, the way it was purchased with the expectation that the singer was able to set up their new home. Guests were Baskov envelopes that contained money. - He wanted so - told Life Showbiz Boris Moiseev. - Only asked not to disclose the amount. Guest artists, businessmen and politicians were the first step in a special room where he left off their gifts for imeninnika.Chtoby take the flowers, had to end up ordering two minibuses. - Nicholas - a very good man, and I'm here. I love people like him! - Telling Life Showbiz Masha Rasputina. - I think he is one of the most exciting and creative members of our show business. Wishes for health in honor of Nicholas sounded continuously, and the guests sing not just toast, but also. Maxim Galkin performed his hit "cafe", but without Alla. Diva decided to stay in the shade, it is not appeared on the stage in the evening. - Allusya Come show people - asked his muse Maxim. Although Basque several weeks not to deal with the cold, are the birthday girl for a second did not show distress. In the soul of Nicholas force for 20 years - from 05.00 clock in the evening to three clock in the morning he had never set and continue to surprise guests. To him by one of the invited golden microphone with diamonds and engraved "Nikolai Baskov" singer unbuttoned his pants tucked into his pants, then pulled out and began to lick sexy. Before any of the songs that the audience addressed birthday sold: "In the hall there is a prostitute knowledge, thanks to you, we have men?"

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