Thursday, October 3, 2013

Basque and Fedorov broke

One of the nicest pairs of Russian show business disbanded after two years of marriage. - I officially announce that we are parting with Oksana - said the Golden Voice of Russia from the stage of the Kremlin Palace. - As a couple, we do not exist, but on the stage, we'll stay together. Song words were prophetic - This evening was 34-year-old Nicholas and his former lover, already the song "Dolphin and mermaid" who once performed Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva glorified. - Blonde babe and ... - Perhaps you will remember about natural blonde - please contact Oksana Basque. - Perhaps you will remember about natural blond. No one could not imagine, that followed after two years of harmonious coexistence of the statement. After more than a month, all the lovers are happy to show off your photos from a romantic holiday in the Maldives. - We no longer live together. Oksana shot himself luxury apartment, and I keep the wolf from the door in the apartment more modest - told Life Showbiz artists. - We remained close friends. You see, we have no time now to family life and parenting.

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