Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sofia Rotaru has received millions of dollars for the campaign

This is the second week since the day of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Sophia M. in shock. For their participation in the elections, the people had a favorite, a fabulous sum - according to some reports, about a million dollars ... She is a famous and respected singer, ran by the National Volodymyr Lytvyn bloc, not to collect the required number of votes. Before entering the race, reported the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, the support of the main Ukrainian singer - Sofia Rotaru. Of course, the carrier is not free. Joke - Sofia Mikhailovna pay a million dollars! In addition, the famous actress and offered himself to run for the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. Furthermore, was the second number by the first course Litwin. "Why not" - decided after consultation with his family, Rotaru and responded to the tempting offer acceptance. What they politicians? However, in a block of Rotaru great expectations. Virtually no one doubted that the participation in the Rotary campaign simply add the votes, and in fact, followers expect Lytvyn profit in the choice about 6-7 percent of the vote. But it turned out all the way, says "Life." Singer performed his new duties responsibly, began to Ukraine in support of Lytvyn and his unit visited. Sometimes, despite the fatigue, she gave two concerts a day. - Everywhere, it was filled with joy, people want to communicate with Sofia Mikhailovna - says the singer's son Ruslan. - ... In some cities, it was very cold, but my mother is still trying to everyone she met to talk Alas, in spite of this, the elections of the People Bloc of Volodymyr Lytvyn lost miserably, not gaining more than two percent of the vote. Rotaru bad! Dopevshis for wet weather to Ghastlier cough and pneumonia worsened, chronic asthma, she still could not find a place of shame. They did not want their votes. It's not huge fee realized. Can find a place of experience, the singer finally earned a nervous breakdown and was placed last. However, from the hospital Sofia Mikhailovna still flatly rejected calls to his home, the best people ... - Now my mother feels better because there is more and treated folk medicine - beet juice mixed with honey - still Ruslan. - Just a few days of intensive treatment - and Sophia M. able to St. Petersburg, where they fly to a concert.

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