The group, which has become one of the symbols of the world of pop culture went crazy and eccentric Sparks to Russia! As can be easily understood from the name of the program - "Greatest Hits albums from more than 20", the concerts offer all the great hits of the large group. Group "Sparks" "We are spoiled for choice, play stuff from all 20 albums Sparks songs will not be enough -. Fact that we promise you" - says vocalist Russell Mael. "In addition, we promise and surprises! Firstly, the songs we've never played in Russia, and in fact some have played. Wait old new songs." And one more important detail: Sparks are going to give a very different concerts, the tracklist of the first and the second day will not overlap! Sparks does not make sense to tell the story, run by brothers Ron and Russell Mael, the team has been around for more than thirty years. If you are interested in the biography of the group - you open any rock encyclopedia. Sparks had a huge impact on the music that created a lot of hits, including their fans - the musicians from different directions, and generations of Erasure and suede Faith No More and Franz Ferdinand. For several decades, the critics could not understand how they think to describe their music, sparks tried to stick to the set of labels, and they were described as "art-pop" and "aesthetics of rock 'n' roll", but these terms are to describe not even close to the phenomenon Sparks. Speaking of missed Mael be an important detail was in her career ups and downs, but now Sparks - one of the few musicians in the world who are shamelessly iconic. But they are in good shape, experimenters and innovators, not a waste of drive and urgency. Tickets for the concerts are rare European Sparks, past the prestigious halls except in a few minutes. The group is not on tour, but for Russian musicians have made an exception, and in the "Orange" is a large number of applications from music lovers from all over Europe who go to Moscow specially come for these two concerts. Russia to do a special relationship with Sparks, open a little secret - the musicians will not fly home immediately after the speeches, and wanted to stay in Moscow for a few days. "For us to come to Russia - a great adventure, as we had here in Moscow and St. Petersburg, got a lot of pleasant experiences," - says Russell. "Back then we had no idea what kind of people come to the concert, whether they know the group Sparks, and generally how everything goes. For us great joy that we know and love in Russia. We look forward to you come back to see how we respond to, and all the "Great Hello" - can not wait for this trip! " Previous performances in Moscow were sold out, and many in the audience and some music critics called it the best concerts of my life! As history has shown, Sparks had never stayed there, and always amazed audience. Do not worry, it will now be so. So - buy your tickets in advance and know that the best way to meet the summer for a music fan not believe it! 1.2 June, "orange", 20.00.
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