"Manufacturer" Ratmir Shishkov - The rapper has yet to come with the loss of his best friend. "I lost my younger brother" - added after Timothy's funeral 19 years singer of the "gang". The rapper does not cancel prior to the scheduled tour tragedy, dedication to the memory of his concerts devoted adoptive brother. "Manufacturer" Ratmir Shishkov at the concert in Volgograd Timothy had to sing along Ratmir - Timothy has yet to come with the loss of his best friend. Rapper reluctantly to the stage, and as a true professional, brilliantly fulfilled the program tried to smile, spoke to fans compliments, but splashed in his eyes blue moods. If the two-hour concert was over, Timothy suddenly rose to his knees. - I want to sing a song that you dedicate to his brother Ratmir - he said, barely holding back tears. - Ratmir, I know you can hear me and see, this is for you. The song "Time to say good-bye to my friend," Timothy wrote shortly before his death Ratmir wrote "TD". But he could not imagine it being as prophetic. Timothy asked, the light goes out in the hall, and the audience - to raise lit lighters. Of the numerous lights and cell phones are included in the nightclub, as if lit up the night sky. And Timothy began, on my knees and sing: "God, let me not see ..."
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