Rapper Timati finished shooting the video for the song "My Way", which he dedicated to the tragically deceased friend and colleague in the "Banda" Ratmir Shishkov. It is true that the word "friend" and "colleagues" in this sad day, no place all those who took in the preparation of the video, said a Ratmir brother. Members can not accept the fact that he is no longer there ... Timothy finished shooting the video for the song "My Way", which he was devoted to the tragically deceased friend and colleague in the "Banda" Recall Ratmir Shishkov Ratmir Shishkov in the night from 21 to 22nd killed March. Then confronted in Moscow, at the intersection of Sadovaya-Spasskaya street and alley Orlikov "Volkswagen" and "Mercedes". "Mercy" was thrown to the side and the car caught fire. In her salon 5 people, all of them died on the spot were - were burned alive. Among them was Ratmir. ... The Pavilion, where the day before the video was recorded, and my mother came Shishkov, could not meet the 19 to his Birthday last month. Lala M. noted - as much as he can to keep them in this situation. Musicians who honor the memory Ratmir in his support, his mother, as they could. Ideologues Happening - Timati - gave her a Mickey Mouse Swarovski Crystal: Picture this Disney character Shishkov collected a few months before his death. - Communicate With Lyalya Mikhailovna was a bit hard, it is difficult to imagine myself in their place, to understand how it hurts - says Timothy "TD". - It came with the photos all day on the set was ... Ratmir to implement any time, and the fact that we made the video - the memory is blessed, only a small portion of what we can do today. Director of the video "My Way" was Rezo Gigineishvili who worked on the movie "Heat". The day Ratmir holiday, the day of his 19th Birthday could be - according to him, should the video on the screens of the country as early as the 24th April appear. Day, crying to the hundreds of people again ...
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