Saturday, February 23, 2013

Joseph Prigogine: I do not like to live in Russia - go in the ass!

Joseph Prigogine gave an interview where he ... the first is no longer about the music, and about politics. gave Mr. Prigogine distract from the "yellow like that." - We have a verbal journey "in search of civil society." Seen in the light of the tour schedule Valerie and her love for the show from the audience, you will certainly know where the wanted to dig. - Civil society can not be built by the team at the top. There can be only with the participation of each of you and me to come - and while it's in our childhood. It begins to decay under Brezhnev, if not earlier. The country that a revolution has gone through, the mass emigration, the Stalinist repressions, the Great Patriotic War, the country in which 70% of the survivors were sitting was not a man who led had together, she was left without a leader. This restlessness - like decay erodes within the country: While the rest of the world moves forward - we were at a standstill. So, if at every corner screams "democracy" I understand that the question is: is the problem that Russia is not ready for democracy, our people too irresponsible to freedom. - Are you ready for freedom or not - but soon the last 20 years, as we live in a free country. - I do, and say. When she came to us, this freedom - we choked, choked. And no one knew how to use it, this freedom. Everyone just wanted to push his hand dig deep, pull apart. What reason have if from every car radio was the "song"? If gather a group of "Butyrka" notice? This is the 21st Century! We have not learned to appreciate each other, proud of our achievements, proud of their heroes! This is not civilization. This is wild. The country is now in a deep knock-down, and without a firm hand, we do not always have the state, only chaos. You know, at the time, Yeltsin made a brilliant move - he gave power to Putin. I do not much like it in Russia, I do not agree with many things, but I'm pretty sure you do not look for the guilty. And as if I belonged neither Putin, and I know many do not like it - he had important - stop the further disintegration of the country, in order to obtain the integrity of the state. Joseph Prigogine and Valeria - Can you say specifically what they are not as satisfied? Linings really want. - Corruption, bureaucratic chaos - that is an obstacle in everything. It's not even a pullback, well, take it somewhere "three rubles" - figs with him. If someone develops 10%, but at the same time, investing - you can see they have small salaries. But if an officer is 90%, close all himself, stripping people of the region, making it impossible to develop small business and entrepreneurship - is a disaster. - Bold. - We do not want to share. What exactly do not like - do not fully understand the rules. Let them be transparent, even in black and white, and like the 10 commandments to be registered. Working conditions, rules of the game, the ability to work and perspectives I - a citizen of this country, and I want to live here but do not want every officer was trying to humiliate us, as I bend repeatedly for a violation. Everyone is pleasant. - Any idea how I fix this? - To steal the officials and not take bribes, they should get more money. I was only a year officially - served as the first deputy general director of the State Kremlin Palace. A year later realized - not mine: officials a little bit, and I have a big family to feed them - and left. The team needs people - producers, not lackeys, from morning to night, comfortably in your ears, they poured nonsense. - Provide all these beautiful, useless, at best, get the people and do what with a clear conscience and honor, position creators? - I do not know, to climb into the policy, but is performed. It is important to be able to - clear out. Here Luzhkov, clever, talented people, a lot of things for Moscow, Moscow did. But why did not he say at one point that it was time to go. What earns little money? Also Bors that sleep not Nemtsov, Kasyanov Misha? Why climb it? Now shifted from a feeding trough - something else to do. But do not necessarily live in the country to fight each other is necessary. And the money west. If little subversion. Not only our country suffered? But when you are at war, and when people die - you know, at least, what the people are fighting for a cause, for their country. But if scratch in peacetime loss of life, journalists, their fingers ... It's terrible. - Just disgruntled citizens do not know that there is such a simple rule "criticized. - To offer" - It is even easier. Do not like to live in Russia - go in the ass. You can not live in France and speak French - shit. They live in the country? Respect them, love them. Whether terminate in America, she wants to be master of the world? Must not. You can either give in or try to play on equal terms. - It is simple and easy - called criticism - and already a hero character in getting his "15 minutes of fame". You should understand as a producer. - I'm absolutely sure that Dmitry Anatolyevich and Vladimir Vladimirovich, and Surkov and others really want to do something for the country. But not so, only to solve all problems. In our country it is not easy. - You can now enter the name of the leader, set a diagnosis of "slave psychology". - I understand that looking through my words, as I do, Lisette'm running the country. But firstly, I do not depend on them. Secondly, I can not set up a "for" or "against" someone. I say what I think. - But while your proposal is making a comeback in the USSR. - It is necessary to ensure the best conditions for the production can reduce the tax burden on the time for those who are at the beginning of the development of the company. We have so much undeveloped land, with a beautiful environment, although there is a lot of the private sector, may all your meal with a piece of land. Russians do not want globalization and imported organic carrots. Globalization is required in the structure of higher performance. And people must be able to lift his head. Need to invest in it, the people - and it will be back. Now the young people began to think. Began to build the Skolkovo - perish the thought, time and health to build, it can really become a city of the future. But at the same time, let us not forget about the elderly. - You said at the beginning that our people are not ready for democracy, civil society, and that we do not. And when they are ready, if civil society is born? - I'm an optimist. After about five years, we will see that we live in a completely different country. I go to Russia, and hear how much criticizing investment in the Olympic Games in Sochi, the FIFA World Cup, the APEC forum in Vladivostok! What do they say? That this is a waste of money, a Potemkin village, all stolen. Many do not even suggest how important and useful for the country and for us. I'd spent in each Russian city on the summit. Because in addition to the construction of infrastructure, these new roads, jobs. but is even more important - to develop a way, there are people an extra push and hope for the future. - In your opinion, the policy - the top of the show business, as even a book. What laws should live? And then with one hand politicians, the 1-2 and already have a handful of redemption was accused by reality, and on the other hand - is a little closer, and then get on the first number, at least for "Kalina" do not . - Several thousand years ago, a Chinese sage has said: "I have three values that keep me The first - the kindness, the second - economy, the third - modesty Be friendly, and you can be brave sparingly... and then you can be generous and avoid over others - to be a leader and you can.

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